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Microsoft Secure Score: What is it & how does it work?

Written by Codec | Mar 14, 2024 2:40:40 PM

As more and more organisations move to the cloud, it has become increasingly important to ensure your security posture is rock solid. With cyber attacks such as crypto-mining on the rise which run up massive cloud consumption bills, companies need to understand their secure score and identify any security gaps and vulnerabilities.

Check out this on-demand webinar to learn more about Microsoft secure score - what it means, how it works, how to interpret the results and how it can help secure your cloud environment.

The webinar highlights:

  • the risks associated with not understanding the current state of your security posture
  • how to access the secure score app on your portal
  • how to calculate your security score
  • interpreting the findings across a number of criteria
  • how to compare against industry benchmarks and establish KPI's
  • next steps including quick remediation of security threats

It includes an interactive demonstration of the Secure Score tool on the Microsoft platform.